How to specify and assign a proxy server

If needed, specify a proxy server to access data on the site. With RSSOwl, you can specify a proxy server, then assign the proxy to any newsfeed, or category in your RSS Favorites, or even for all newsfeeds in your favorites tree.

To specify a proxy server:

  1. Choose Preferences from the Tools menu. The Preferences dialog opens. Choose Connection in the left section pane.
  2. Check the "Use Proxy" checkbox.
  3. Enter the proxy server address in the Proxy Host field, and the required port number in the Proxy Port field.

    If the proxy server is password-protected, check the Proxy Requires Authentication checkbox, and enter a user name, password and domain if necessary.

  4. If you want to use the proxy server only on selected newsfeeds, deselect the "Use proxy on all favorites" checkbox. You can then go to your Favorites tree and enable the proxy for specified categories or newsfeeds by right-clicking an item selecting Edit and choosing Proxy (a check mark appears, indicating that the proxy server is required for the selected item).

    If you select the "Use proxy on all favorites" checkbox, you can disable the proxy on specified categories or newsfeeds by right-clicking an item and choosing Proxy>Use Proxy to remove the check mark.

Note: Enabling a proxy server for a category causes the proxy requirement to be enabled for all newsfeeds within the category, as well as for all newsfeeds in all subcategories of the parent category or subscription.

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