How to identify and add feeds from Web pages

You've seen them before: "RSS" or "XML" icons and links on commercial and private sites all over the Web. Maybe their appearance seemed a bit cryptic before, but they won't now. The following steps illustrate a common means of acquiring offered feeds whenever you happen upon them.  

  1. Use your default browser to open http://news.yahoo.com/rss/
  2. Scroll down the page to the list of available Yahoo! News RSS feeds, indicated by a series of icons.
  3. Right-click on the "XML" icon for the "Highest Rated" news feed, then select "Copy shortcut" from the popup menu. Note: Though the "XML" icon is a common flag for a newsfeed, many sites use plain links with some indicator that the offering is an RSS feed. You can still copy the link the same way.
  4. Switch back to RSSOwl. Right-click on the top-level Samples folder and choose New>Category. The Add A New Category dialog box appears. Give the category a Title (anything will do), then click OK to close the dialog. Your new category now appears at the same level as Samples.
  5. Right-click your new category folder and choose New>Favorite. Paste the link from the Yahoo! page into the URL/Path field, give the new item a Title ("Highest Rated"), then click OK to close the dialog. Your new feed is in place.

More newsfeeds are available here:

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