How to export, import, and print
- To export, right-click any category, subscription, or newsfeed item in
Favorites and choose Export>To OPML file. A Save As dialog appears. Choose a
local drive or network location, modify the name of the file (optional), and
click Save. A confirmation message appears if the export was successful.
- To import, right-click any category, subscription, or newsfeed item in RSS
Favorites and choose Import>From OPML file. An Open dialog appears. Choose any
OPML file from your local drive or network. After that all category and newsfeed data contained in the
imported file is now available in your Favorites.
Generating PDF, RTF, and HTML files
- RSSOwl lets you export individual or collective newsfeed data to three
standard cross-platform file formats. Though the exported files cannot be
imported back into RSSOwl, they can be saved, shared, emailed, or added to a
Web site, as you would with any file of these types. To export data for a
currently selected category, subscription, or newsfeed, open it and choose Generate [file
type] from RSSOwl's File menu. You can also generate files for individual
items from newsfeeds in the Newsheader pane (right-click an item, choose
Generate[file type]).
Exporting and importing synchronized Blogrolls
Printing news descriptions
- To print the text of the current article description as it appears in the
News pane—including its headline and URL—choose
Print News from the File menu (hotkey Ctrl+P). You can also print the pane by right-clicking on the
description and choosing Print News from the popup menu.
Note: Printing is not yet supported on Linux.
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