RSSOwl Elements: Dialogs

Also see: Menus | Popup menus | Main screen

Add a New Favorite

Lets you add a newsfeed to the Favorites.

Getting there: File|New>Favorite on the main menu, or right-click any item in RSS Favorites tree and choose New>Favorite.

Add a New Category/Subcategory

Lets you add a Category to categorize your Favorites.

Getting there: File|New>Category (or Sub-Category) on the main menu, or right-click any item in RSS Favorites and choose New>Category (or Sub-Category).

Add a New Synchronized Blogroll

Lets you add a Blogroll that contains a list of newsfeeds.

Getting there: Import|Synchronized Blogroll on the main menu, or right-click any item in RSS Favorites and choose Import|Synchronized Blogroll.

Customize ToolBar

Lets you configure the Items of the ToolBar.

Getting there: View|Customize Toolbar on the main menu, or right-click on the Toolbar and choose Customize Toolbar.

Edit Category

Lets you modify the name of a category.

Getting there: Right-click a category (folder) from the Favorites tree to open the popup menu, then choose Properties.

Edit Favorite

Lets you modify the specifications of any newsfeed in the Favorites tree.

Getting there: Right-click a newsfeed from the Favorites tree to open the popup menu, then choose Properties.


Lets you run a full-text search of the titles and descriptions in any newsfeed, category or Blogroll.

Getting there: Right-click a newsfeed, category or Blogroll from the Favorites tree to open the popup menu, then choose Search. Alternatively press Ctrl+F to search in the current displayed newsfeed.

Search for Newsfeeds

Lets you search the Web for RSS/RDF/Atom newsfeeds.

Getting there: Ctrl+G or Tools|Search for Newsfeeds on the main menu.

Discover Newsfeeds on website

Lets you search a website or online file for RSS/RDF/Atom newsfeeds.

Getting there: Tools|Discover Newsfeeds on website on the main menu.

Validate Newsfeed

Lets you validate a newsfeed against RSS 0.91, 0.92 or 2.0.

Getting there:Tools|Validate Newsfeed on the main menu.


This dialog lets you modify a number of global settings. In all panes, a "Restore Defaults" button lets you revert to the installed settings for the selected preference category.
Use the search-box on top of the Tree to quickly access preferences you are looking for.

Getting there: Tools|Preferences on the main menu.

Preferences: General

This is the root element for the settings Colors, Fonts, Hotkeys, Language, News Sorting, View and System Tray.

Preferences: General > Colors

Change the colors for Links and Search-Result-Highlight in RSSOwl

Preferences: General > Font

Lets you modify fonts used in RSSOwl.

Preferences: General > Hotkeys

Lets you modify hotkey combinations for various program actions.

Note: This Help file contains references to default hotkey sequences; if you change the sequences, these references no longer apply.

Preferences: General > Language

Lets you change the language used in RSSOwl headings, labels, menu items, and dialog text. The setting does not affect newsfeed titles or content.

Preferences: General > News Sorting

Lets you change the default sort order that is used for newsfeeds. The top item from the list is the item that is used to sort the newsfeed at first. If that item is not available in the feed, RSSOwl continous with the second item from the list and so on. Another option allows to disable automatic sorting. News will then be displayed as devlivered in the XML.

Preferences: General > View

Change view related settings in RSSOwl

Preferences: General > View > System Tray

Change system tray related settings in RSSOwl

Note: System-Tray is not yet supported on Mac and Solaris.

Preferences: AmphetaRate

Create a new AmphetaRate User to rate newsfeeds and receive personalized recommendations

Existing User: Perform changes on your username and password.
Note: If you are an existing user with an User ID, you will only see your ID. Please create a new account providing your ID to upgrade your account.

Create User: Register a new user with pressing the "Create Account" button

Preferences: Blogger

Select an external blogger to use with RSSOwl.

Preferences: Browser

Use this pane to enable or disable use of an external browser for display of full article content called from RSSOwl. If you choose to use an external browser, RSSOwl uses your default system Web browser, unless you specify otherwise.

Please note that the internal browser is currently not supported on Solaris.

Preferences: Favorites

These settings allow to define the initial properties a new favorite should have.

Preferences: Format NewsTip Mail

Lets you specify how your email is formatted when you use RSSOwl's "Mail News Tip" feature.

Preferences: Connection

If needed, specify a proxy server to access data on the site. If you require such access, enter your specifications here.


(c) 2003-2008 RSSOwl Development Team [+]